The migration of unreached people groups to cities, seen through the lens of Scripture and God's revelation through Christ, has provided opportunities for the Body of Christ to engage in his global mission in new ways. Chris Clayman, Co-founder of Global Gates will be preaching a sermon based on Acts 17:26-27 entitled, Cities in God's Global Purpose.

Cities in God's Global Purpose
Engaging Missions
October 22, 2023 • Acts 17:26–27
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Various Sermons
First Fruit
March 31, 2024 • Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs • 1 Corinthians 15:20–26
Jesus is called many things in the Bible: door, vine, shepherd, cornerstone, and so forth. Did you know that he is also called the “firstfruits” of the coming resurrection? We will explore on Easter, resurrection day!
Upper Room Service
November 19, 2023 • Dr. Sean McDonough
This week we will begin a two-part mini-series from John’s gospel on what Jesus does and says the night before he died. This week we will look at three key questions connected with Jesus washing the feet of his disciples in John 13:1-17. Please join us this Sunday to learn what those questions are…and how we can answer them.