Various Sermons
Diverse Messages on Christian Subjects
First Fruit
March 31, 2024 • Dr. Jeffrey Arthurs • 1 Corinthians 15:20–26
Jesus is called many things in the Bible: door, vine, shepherd, cornerstone, and so forth. Did you know that he is also called the “firstfruits” of the coming resurrection? We will explore https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20corinthians%2015%3a20-26&version=niv on Easter, resurrection day!
Upper Room Service
November 19, 2023 • Dr. Sean McDonough
This week we will begin a two-part mini-series from John’s gospel on what Jesus does and says the night before he died. This week we will look at three key questions connected with Jesus washing the feet of his disciples in John 13:1-17. Please join us this Sunday to learn what those questions are…and how we can answer them.
November 12, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Baird • Psalm 125
We all face uncertainties, struggle, and change, but are hoping for peace. This search for security and peace in the midst of transitions and change is the reality of life in our world, neighborhood, and home. We trust in a variety of people or ideas to cope, but so often they can’t stand the stress test of real life. Thankfully, God has a track record we can depend on and a commitment to caring for us that is worthy of trust. If you are like me, it is easy to forget this. I hope you’ll join us as we look at https://fcchamilton.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7ad9905e0b1c54435b5c40dc5&id=1d139bd92c&e=5911f83a2c to be reminded of the peace that comes from putting our trust in the Lord.
Experiencing Hope
November 5, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Romans 15:13
As we face various trials and transitions in life, it's especially in these times that we need an unshakeable hope—something secure that we can hold onto. In this final sermon as your current Senior Pastor, I want to share a message of hope that has been on my heart. This short benediction in the book of Romans is packed with spiritual principles on how to understand the biblical dynamics of hope and experience the life-shaping power of hope. This verse is my prayer for all of us as we seek to navigate the many uncertainties and changes of life with a deep and abiding hope in our hearts.
Cities in God's Global Purpose
October 22, 2023 • Acts 17:26–27
The migration of unreached people groups to cities, seen through the lens of Scripture and God's revelation through Christ, has provided opportunities for the Body of Christ to engage in his global mission in new ways. Chris Clayman, Co-founder of Global Gates will be preaching a sermon based on https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=acts+17%3a26-27&version=niv entitled, Cities in God's Global Purpose.
The Practice of Prayer
September 3, 2023 • Paul McPheeters • Luke 10:38—11:13
In the section of Scripture we'll be looking at together this week, Jesus encourages his disciples in the priority and practice of prayer. We'll be looking at four specific sections that center around four distinct sayings: 1) The One Thing Necessary, 2) When You Pray Say This, 3) Ask, Seek, and Knock, and 4) How Much More. Each section builds off of one another and works to encourage us all in the daily practice of prayer.
Strong in the Lord
August 27, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Ephesians 6:10–18
As we face this difficult transition in my ministry here, our daily need for personal and community strength is certainly accentuated. We know the Lord is our unchanging rock and source of strength, but how do we experience God’s strength in the trials of life? What threatens our strength? And how can we become stronger as a community during this challenging time? I hope you can join us this Sunday as we fix our eyes upon our all-strengthening and all-sufficient Savior.
Praying "God-Sized" Prayers
June 4, 2023 • Uncle George • Matthew 9:37–38, Matthew 10:33, Psalm 2:8
How can we tell if we are growing in our prayer life? One of the ways is to consider what we’re praying for. Are we "seeking God’s Kingdom and His righteousness" in our daily prayers? Kingdom seekers pray according to the prayer pattern that the Lord gave us. For them, the top priorities are His Name, His Kingdom, and His Will! Then comes "our daily bread." While our “daily bread" is important and essential for life on earth, too often we can get stuck there. Join us this Sunday as we grow in the practice of praying "God-sized" prayers. - Uncle George, Founder of Good News for India.
Unbuckle Your Burden
May 28, 2023 • Pastor Kevin Baird • Matthew 11:28–30
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday when we remember the Holy Spirit’s presence to fill us with the life of Christ and give us spiritual power to speak and serve like Jesus. Maybe you haven’t considered the Holy Spirit’s work in your life because you are feeling weighed down with all of life’s decisions, struggles, doubts, and sins that seem to crush us. It doesn’t have to be this way! Come be reminded that trusting in Jesus frees us and gives us rest.
A Lesson in Humility
May 21, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Daniel 4:34–37
We’ll be studying one of the most interesting characters and encouraging stories in all the Bible. We’ll consider King Nebuchadnezzar’s surprising turn to God, how it happened, and what this can teach us about the nature, importance, and development of humility in our lives.
The Lord Will Provide
May 14, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Genesis 22:1–18
Does God really see my needs? Does God really care? Will God really provide? How do we grow in our faith in the faithfulness of God? These are the questions that we often find ourselves asking as we navigate the perplexities of life. On this Mother's Day, we'll tackle these questions from the famous, yet often misunderstood story of Abraham and Isaac. Please join us as we consider the life-changing promise that the Lord will provide.
Considering the Conscience
May 7, 2023 • Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen • Acts 23:1
The Bible speaks a lot about our conscience. But if you were forced to describe the conscience and how it works, what would you say? How do we live with a clear conscience? What can we do if we have a guilty conscience? What's the difference between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of conscience? Should we let our conscience be our guide? These are just some of the questions we'll be seeking to answer as we consider the vital subject of the conscience.
Overflowing with Hope
April 30, 2023 • Dr. Douglas Birdsall • Romans 15:1–13
Just as God is a "God of Hope", so we as his people are to be "People of Hope". At this time in history, when our society and much of the world is experiencing uncertainty and anxiety, we are both the recipients and the benefactors of Hope. Our hope is not by the power of positive thinking. Rather, it is based in the character of our sovereign God, made real to us by the power of the Holy Spirit, and characterized by joy and peace. Our lives are meant to serve as signposts pointing to a greater reality, a once and future Hope!
Encountering the Risen Jesus
April 23, 2023 • Dr. Eckhard Schnabel • Luke 24:1–12, Luke 24:36–43
With the joy of Easter still lingering, join us as we revisit what encountering the risen Jesus brings into our lives. As followers of the risen Jesus, we'll see how our fear is transformed into joy and how our joy results in peace. When these things are living realities in our lives, we'll want to tell others about the authentic joy and lasting peace that we have found in Jesus.