Center Stage Concerts
Concerts at First UMC
Requiem World Premiere Concert
April 23, 2023
At times, it’s difficult to believe we will ever be out of this pandemic. Just as things start to turn the corner, our best plans are dashed. Yet, as we progress, we discover ways to adapt. We find hope in times to come when we will sing together again. As we emerge from these current times, we need to reflect and heal from the collective trauma of this pandemic. Out of this need to heal was born the idea of a Requiem - not as a "mass for the dead" but as an act or token of remembrance. The overall concept for this work is that it is not a typical requiem, but something reflective of our current times and how we emerge from it stronger; a requiem mourning the life we left behind, those we have lost, and hope for the new life to come. First UMC has commissioned Heather Sorenson to compose this Requiem and is being premiered in the First UMC Sanctuary and featuring the Requiem Festival Chorus and Orchestra. For those who cannot join us on-campus, this is the live-stream of the event.
Trumpet Concert
April 11, 2021 • Ben Elgan
Trumpeter and First UMC member, Ben Elgan will be joined on our Center Stage with some of his favorite musicians in a performance of music old and new. This concert is a requirement for his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Florida and we are honored to host this event! We are all excited for Ben as he completes this major milestone in his life and career.