
Serve Impactfully

Matthew 25:35-40

October 6, 2024 • Pastor Beth Snarr • Matthew 25:35–40

Life in Christ, from a Wesleyan perspective, involves growth in grace and love. Our lives are rooted in God’s unbounded love and transformed by God’s universal grace. The Christian journey entails the restoration of God’s image in our lives and growth into deeper levels of love for God and neighbor. ​This series will explore and challenge us to embrace six practices that will deepen our personal discipleship and expand the positive impact of our Christ-centered congregation.

Verse 40 of Matthew 25 says “And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.”

God invites us to partner in God’s mission of love. As Wesleyan Christians, therefore, we assume the Christlike posture of a servant. We keep our eyes open to God’s activity around us and join in the practice of shalom—acts of compassion and justice in the peaceable reign of Christ.