

3 January 2021

January 3, 2021 • Pastor Beth Snarr

At this time last year, none of us could have imagined the challenges that were to come which would significantly change every aspect of our lives. As the COVID-19 vaccine brings new hope for healing and wholeness of our bodies, there’s still much work to do to bring healing and wholeness to our minds and spirits, both individually and communally. The enormity of this reality can be overwhelming, however, in this message series, we’ll use the phrase coined by Ken Saxon, the program founder of Courage to Lead for Nonprofit Leaders in Santa Barbara, CA, “When in doubt, turn to wonder.” We’ll examine the questions and wonderings of many people in the Gospel lessons which will help guide us as we seek to live and love in new ways this new year.

Pastor Beth uses Matthew 2 to pose the question "where". Verse 2 says “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? For we observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.”