
Abraham’s Awakening

“And Abraham looked up and saw a ram, caught in a thicket by its horns."

October 1, 2023 • Pastor Beth Snarr • Genesis 22:1–14

With the help of the study, “Bible Stories for Grown Ups” by Pastor Josh Scott, this series will invite us to consider new and deeper meanings in Bible characters and events that may be very familiar and yet can also be disturbing and challenging. As people who embrace the scripture as “wonderful words of life”, how do these passages call us into deeper discipleship today? 

“Could this story be symbolic of the journey many of us have been on, a leaving behind of understanding of God that have proven too small, and an embracing of a vision of God that is more expansive, compassionate, and inclusive than we thought possible? May the question for Abraham and for us is this: Will we leave behind the familiar and journey into the unknown?” pg. 34