
Practical Sanctification

Wednesday Night Bible Study

New Members' Class 2024

Tom Keller explains how the church and our church function.


Tim Wade explores God's unconditional love through the story of a couple's troubled marriage.

The Gospel of John

Pastor Bob Dimmitt takes us verse by verse through chapter 9 of this most intimate of the four gospels.

Special Music

FABC Adult Choir, the Band, Children's Choirs and other special music.

The Imminent Return of Christ

Can Jesus come back at any time? Pastor Bob Dimmitt looks at what the Scriptures say about it.

God Is Logic

Bob Dimmitt breaks down John 1:1-5 in this 3-part series.


Rationale for and qualifications of elders in the local church body.

Do Babies Go to Heaven when They Die?

Pastor Bob Dimmitt makes the case and gives us hope from God's Word.

Church Unity

Tim Wade gives us the biblical rationale for and practical means to unity in our church body.

Church Membership Conference

Messages by various of our church leaders regarding the local church, church membership, church discipline, the ordinances, congregationalism and elders, our statement of faith and church covenant, among other topics.


Tom Keller contemplates the implications of John's exclamation, "See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are."


Bob Dimmitt shares what he has learned from going the the ant and considering her ways.

Special Services

Holidays, guest speakers, topics of interest, miscellaneous. Enjoy!

Sermon on the Mount

Tom Keller shares insights on Jesus' most profound public teaching.


Bob Dimmitt expounds on Paul's explanation of our position in Christ.


Luke's recording and reporting on the formation and history of the church.

2 Corinthians

Paul continues his work with the believers in Corinth. Bob Dimmitt expounds.

1 Corinthians

The church in Corinth faced problems familiar to us today. Bob Dimmitt shows us what we can learn from its example.

50th Homecoming

Remember God's Faithfulness, Rely upon His Grace was the theme for our weekend of celebration. We recorded as much as we could, and we share it here!

Living the Christian Life in 2023

Our culture has taken a 180 degree turn from its former basic acknowledgement of and respect for God. How can we as Christians be salt and light to a society that no longer believes God and absolute truth even exist? Pastor Bob Dimmitt gives us direction from the Scriptures as he tackles the issues