
4PB 2024 - The Seeing Samaritan

September 22, 2024 • Sloan Parker

1. Re-examining Our Boundaries

-Who are the "Samaritans" in your life—those whom you may find difficult to love or accept? How might Jesus be calling you to view and treat them differently?

-Are there people or groups that we, either personally or as a church, tend to overlook or exclude when we think about who our neighbor is?

2. Seeing and Responding to Need

-The Samaritan noticed the injured man and stopped to help. Are there "injured" people in your life or community that you might be missing? What stops you from seeing or acting on their need?

-What does it mean for you to show compassion in your daily life? What might this look like in practical terms at work, school, or home?

3. Radical Love and Surprising Partnerships

-The Samaritan and the innkeeper had to trust each other despite their differences. Are there ways you can partner with people or organizations outside of your comfort zone to show love and meet the needs of others?

-How can we cultivate an openness to surprising partnerships and relationships in our lives and in the church that reflect the inclusiveness of God’s kingdom?

4. Breaking Down Prejudice and Division

-Reflect on a time when you experienced prejudice or bias toward someone else, or when someone else acted this way toward you. How does the parable challenge us to confront these attitudes within ourselves and our communities?

-How can we, as a church, become more intentional about breaking down barriers of race, class, political affiliation, or religion in how we care for and serve our neighbors?

5. Living the Kingdom Now

-The parable suggests that moments of radical love and mercy reflect the kingdom of God. Where have you seen the kingdom breaking into the present through acts of love and compassion, either in your life or in the world around you?

-What are some practical ways that you can bring the values of the kingdom into your daily life, starting this week? How can we as a small group or a church embody these values more fully?

6. Neighborly Love and Eternal Life

-The lawyer’s question was about inheriting eternal life, and Jesus responded with a story about practical, everyday love. How does this parable shift your understanding of what it means to live a life that reflects God's kingdom?

-How might Jesus be inviting you into a deeper experience of eternal life by calling you to love your neighbor in unexpected and challenging ways?

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