
Christmas 2024 - Advent/Waiting

December 1, 2024 • Byron Beck

Discussion Questions:

Remember two experiences from your life:

•One time when you patiently waited, and your life turned out better because you did not prematurely jump into something. 

•Another time when you were impatient, and your impulsive decision got you in trouble.

Read and meditate on Isaiah 40:31. Is there something right now for which you need to wait patiently (and you are struggling)?

•Think about trust, patience and perseverance.

Byron made the following statement: “One of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is:

•self-control, the ability to delay gratification, and the ability to patiently persevere.

•What are some activities that could help train your children or grandchildren learn greater self-control?

Meditate on the following passages regarding waiting:

•Matthew 6:2-4

•Romans 8:18

•Matthew 16:26

React to Byron’s final quote: “Every time someone Sacrifices they are claiming to value “another world” over the self-gratifications of this world.” 


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