Seven Deadly Sins - Gluttony
January 19, 2025 • Byron Beck
Discussion Questions:
Is there something in your life toward which you struggle with the spirit of gluttony?
Jeff Cook quote and description of gluttony:
•“The skinny suffer from gluttony as easily and as often as the stout. For gluttony is first and foremost excessive. It's a third car when one will do, a third drink when one is best, a third hobby when the other two you started aren't satisfying enough. Alcoholics and drug users are gluttons, but so are some web surfers, card players and business people. In other words, a ‘holic’ is the suffix attached to the glutton's meal of choice. For gluttony is immoderation. It's about having a gaunt soul. The glutton sells her soul for another hit, another car, another round of trivial pleasures, a forbidden fruit. So gluttony is excess and immoderation.”
•React to this. What do you think is appropriate / or inappropriate?
Are you willing to surrender your gluttonous struggles to a healthy recovery process?