
The God Who Speaks

The God Who Speaks: Week One

October 9, 2020 • Bill Koogler

Phone, WhatsApp, SMS, in person chats, and most recently Zoom; we speak with one another in many ways to communicate the things that are important to us. Have you ever wondered how God speaks, if God speaks (spoiler alert: He does), and how we can hear Him? Watch this message as we start our new series and listen to The God Who Speaks. Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/

The God Who Speaks: Week Two

October 16, 2020 • Warwick de Jersey

There are so many voices that surround us every day, each one clamouring for our attention. At times it can feel like they are all speaking at http://once.it feels like everyone wants to influence us to follow their agenda. As we continue in our series, The God Who Speaks, we meet the original influencer and discover how we can decide who to listen to, who to trust and how we can know. Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/

The God Who Speaks: Week Three

October 23, 2020 • Jim Burgess

As we continue in our series The God Who Speaks, we’re going to see how God not only speaks to us, but He also listens to us. Not only does God listen, but He cares - and because He cares, He makes a promise to a man to that resonates down to us today. Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/

The God Who Speaks: Week Four

October 30, 2020 • Warwick de Jersey

Many people say that they don’t believe in god. Others cheerfully claim that they do. But which one? Which god do you believe in, or which god have you rejected. So often the god we believe in or the god we’ve rejected is nothing like “The God who speaks”. In this message, we ask the question "Who is this God who speaks?" Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/

The God Who Speaks: Week Five

November 6, 2020 • Bill Koogler

If you have ever travelled from city to city, living out of a suitcase and sleeping on trains, buses, and planes, you know the feeling of coming "home". It is a feeling of being rooted, safe, protected, and stable. Does that describe your life in the last month? Living as expats in Dubai in the midst of a global pandemic, many of us strive to get settled, but even though we rent a place to live, we never really feel at home. But as we continue in our series "The God Who Speaks", we will learn that we can find everything our souls deeply long for in the God who speaks to us. Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/

The God Who Speaks: Week Six

November 13, 2020 • Jim Burgess

What is a “prodigal”? The Cambridge Dictionary defines a prodigal as (a.) someone who spends a large amount of money hurriedly and foolishly, or (b.) a person who leaves home to lead a prodigal life, but later makes a repentant return. Do you have any prodigals in your life? A father? A brother, or sister? A best friend” An adult child? A teenager? I’ve always liked the quote by Oscar Wilde, “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” I guess in one way we’re all prodigals. But prodigals we love – family members or friends – can break our hearts and exhaust our prayers. Wouldn’t you like to know how to reach them? In this message, we’re going see how God illustrates the answer for every prodigal. You won’t believe what He does. Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/

The God Who Speaks: Week Seven

November 20, 2020 • Aaron Richert

How is your lived experience with God? Are you satisfied? Or do you feel like something is missing? In our last message in our series, The God Who Speaks, we’ll be looking at the book of Jeremiah where God spoke some incredible promises to His people who were at the time experiencing anything but a meaningful lived experience with God. His message included the promise of a New Covenant that He would make with his people one day, including us, which would enable us to live a truly meaningful life with Him. Connect with us: Website: http://www.fellowshipdubai.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fellowshipdubai/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fellowshipdubai/