
The God Who Speaks: Week Six


November 13, 2020 • Jim Burgess

What is a “prodigal”? The Cambridge Dictionary defines a prodigal as (a.) someone who spends a large amount of money hurriedly and foolishly, or (b.) a person who leaves home to lead a prodigal life, but later makes a repentant return.

Do you have any prodigals in your life? A father? A brother, or sister? A best friend” An adult child? A teenager? I’ve always liked the quote by Oscar Wilde, “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.” I guess in one way we’re all prodigals. But prodigals we love – family members or friends – can break our hearts and exhaust our prayers.

Wouldn’t you like to know how to reach them?

In this message, we’re going see how God illustrates the answer for every prodigal. You won’t believe what He does.

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