

Making Room for Christ

Living in True Worship

February 5, 2023 • Noah Mitchell • Psalm 50:15, Romans 11:33–36, John 4:23, Mark 2:27, Hebrews 10:24–25

What comes to mind when you hear the word worship? Sunday morning? Singing songs? As we close out our series on Sabbath, we're talking about practicing worship as a part of Sabbath. And who better to help us look at this aspect than Worship Pastor Noah Mitchell? In this message, Noah reminds us that worship is our awed response and how we ascribe worth to God. When we live from a place of true rest, we can't help but live lives of true worship. Sunday morning is just a small part of worship in our lives and you'll be challenged to start practicing worship—in all its forms— in your daily life.

Finding Rest in Delight

January 29, 2023 • Hebrews 4:9–11, Psalm 1:1–3, Psalm 37:4, Matthew 12:1–14

The gift of delighting in the Lord leads to a rested heart. But not only do we have the joy of delighting in the Lord but we can rest in the fact that He first delights in us. In this message Adam Watson reminds us that God loves to BE WITH US and walk through each moment of life with us. When we Sabbath our hearts get to make room to delight in the Lord! You'll be challenged to make intentional time to delight in who God is and His faithfulness.

Rest That Sets Us Apart

January 22, 2023 • Garrett Hall • Mark 14:32, Genesis 2:1–3, Daniel 6:10, Mark 2:15, John 15:5

On the highway, going slow in the fast lane is not going to win you many friends. But when people observe us intentionally slowing down to create space for rest and renewal, it stands out in our busy world. In this message Garrett Hall suggests that the practice of Sabbath, can actually be one of our greatest testimonies to a busy and hurried world. Garrett reminds us that Sabbath is not just rest for us; it is also what sets us apart so that God can be glorified. Garrett also shares five practical ways you can implement Sabbath into your week—whether it's a couple of hours or an entire day. You'll be challenged to pick one practical way to start a Sabbath rhythm in your week.

Rest Starts With Stop

January 15, 2023 • Matthew 11:28–30, Mark 4:35–41, Luke 6:46–49, Genesis 1:31—2:3, Matthew 12:1–8

How do we rest in the busy and, often times, chaotic world we live in? Furthermore, how do we become people who not only rest ourselves but help others to find rest? The word Sabbath (or Shabbat) means to cease, to end, to rest; and we see this concept of rest all the way at the very beginning of scripture when God rested on the seventh day. We see throughout the Gospels that Jesus often retreated from the crowds to find rest and renewal with the Lord. In this message Caleb Panter asks us to consider whether our current pace is transforming us into the people God calls us to be, and how intentionally practicing the ways of Jesus is what will form us into being disciple-makers, not just knowledge-collectors. You’ll be challenged to consider ways you can STOP and begin to implement a sabbath routine into your week.