Rest Starts With Stop

January 15, 2023 • Matthew 11:28–30, Mark 4:35–41, Luke 6:46–49, Genesis 1:31—2:3, Matthew 12:1–8

How do we rest in the busy and, often times, chaotic world we live in? Furthermore, how do we become people who not only rest ourselves but help others to find rest? The word Sabbath (or Shabbat) means to cease, to end, to rest; and we see this concept of rest all the way at the very beginning of scripture when God rested on the seventh day. We see throughout the Gospels that Jesus often retreated from the crowds to find rest and renewal with the Lord. In this message Caleb Panter asks us to consider whether our current pace is transforming us into the people God calls us to be, and how intentionally practicing the ways of Jesus is what will form us into being disciple-makers, not just knowledge-collectors. You’ll be challenged to consider ways you can STOP and begin to implement a sabbath routine into your week.

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