
Forgiveness from the Pit - The Story of Jacob's Son

Gen. 37: 18-24, Gen. 45:1-5, Gen. 45:13-15, Gen. 50:17-21

June 3, 2018

This morning I am going to guess that if we went through the photo albums of your life, like me, you’d have some really awkward photos. Hopefully none of your parents are sitting on you. There would also be pictures of your best moments in life – the victories and celebrations. But as we turned the pages, we’d see photos that hold the memories of some really painful moments of your life. Even if you don’t have the physical pictures, they’re forever engrained in your memory. That’s because most of you have experienced pain at the hands of someone supposed to love you or wounded by someone you trusted. For many of you, that damage was caused by someone in your family – others it’s been through marriage, a friendship, church relationship, or maybe all of the above.