
Loving with Abandon

Luke 7:36-50

July 8, 2018

as we continue our series called Awkward Family Photos, we are going to take a look at one of the most awkward moments in the Gospels. We are going to a dinner party, but this will be unlike any dinner party you or I have ever attended. This moment has three characters involved: Jesus, along with a Pharisee and a woman, both of whom will be confronted with their desperate reality, this one being spiritual. And by the end of the party, these three will show us that the greater your grasp of what you have been forgiven, the greater your love for the one who has forgiven you. When we truly understand who God is, who we are before him, and what he has done to make us right, to rescue us, our hearts will erupt with love and worship. One of them gets it. The other doesn’t.