
Pleasure's Empty Promise

2 Timothy 2:22

August 21, 2016 • Dr. Gary Brandenburg

On one of our trips to Israel I encountered a powerful temptation of biblical proportions. We were staying at the Dead Sea. Everyone decided to take a dip in that saline-saturated water so I took the elevator to my room on the 12th floor to change into my bathing suit. As I was returning to the elevator I looked down and, to my surprise, I could see a woman on the roof of a smaller hotel who was sunning herself - every inch of herself! When I spotted the naked woman from my perch above I did what any man after God's own heart would do - I stopped in my tracks to get a better look. I wasn't stopping to pray for her. In that moment an amazing thing happened. It was like the Holy Spirit poked me in the ribs because I suddenly thought, "Wait a minute. I know this story. When a man in this country spots a naked woman from a roof top, bad things happen." And with that, I smiled and quickly walked to the elevator.