
All Things New

January 3, 2021 • Zach Hume • Luke 4

Zach teaches the first Gospel Sunday of 2021 from Luke 4. The first Sunday of each month, we focus specifically on the good news of the story of Jesus. Coming out of the Advent Season, Zach paused to ask why Jesus took on human flesh and stepped into our world. In Luke 4:42-43, Jesus gave us His Missions Statement: “I have come to bring the good news of the Kingdom of God.” Zach remind us that with Adam and Eve’s rebellion in Genesis, sin entered the world and ruined everything. The sin inside of us is far too great for us to overcome on our own. But, Jesus declares that He has come to bring a new Kingdom, a Kingdom of Good News, and as followers of Christ, we have been invited and called to participate in the expansion of God’s Kingdom and the making of all things new.