
To Change the World

January 2, 2022 • Mike Waldrop • 1 Corinthians 1:10, 1 Corinthians 1:17—2:5

Notice how much 2022 sounds like 2020 too? The last couple of years have been disturbing and disrupted life in lots of ways. And it seems that the news is filled with the desires, agendas and strategies of many to make drastic changes in our country and our world. Its tempting to either fear and want to hide and watch, or to get angry and motivated and want to jump in and fight either within the system or against it. Yet the Bible tells us that God has a strategy for change. But that strategy seems foolish and ineffective in light of those we see around us. Yet it’s the strategy we’re called to do. Come consider 2022 with us as are reminded that we are a people “To Change the World”.