
Jesus as Rabbi - What is a disciple?

January 9, 2022 • Brandon Wolters • Mark 1:16, Mark 2:13, Mark 3:13–14

What New Years’ resolutions did you make for this year? Some of us have resolved to be physically fit, or working towards being debt-free, or being more intentional with our spouses and/or kids. All these resolutions are beneficial and if we follow through, they will yield their desired outcomes. However, how many of us have made the commitment to become either first-time disciples (followers) or to renew with passion our following after Jesus? When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He is saying: “Come, be my disciple…” This implies that we are “steadily learning from Him how to live the life of the Kingdom of Heaven into every corner of human existence.” The best resolution you and I can make is to follow Jesus, to be His disciples, who then go forth and make other disciples.