
Catch and Release

November 5, 2023 • Mike Waldrop • Ephesians 4:11–16

“Catch and Release” is most often used when talking about fishing for sport and fun in ways that protect the fish and the fish population. For the church, Jesus catches and transforms people, and then we are to make disciples and release those disciples to duplicate that ministry to others. Join us as we consider Scripture’s teaching on being a church that is effectively practicing “Catch and Release”.

A Revealing Lifestyle

November 12, 2023 • Mike Waldrop • John 17:14–23

Its really easy to reduce complex assignments to simple checklists. And many of life’s pursuits can be accomplished simply by checking all the boxes. But is the mission God gave the church as simple as checking the boxes? Or is it a lifestyle that reveals the reality of Jesus and the greatness of God’s love? Join us as we consider these questions.

In Pursuit

October 29, 2023 • Mike Waldrop • Colossians 1:25–29

Our default perspective on spiritual maturity is often equated with the intellectual grasp of the doctrines and teachings of the faith, or with being consumed by physical acts of service, or with age and years of experience as a believer. But being spiritually mature in seen in a heart dependence on Christ, the intellect's understanding of the faith, and the hands working empowered by Christ to accomplish the mission we've been given.

Chasing the Wanderers

October 22, 2023 • Brandon Wolters • Ezekiel 34:11–16

All of us are looking for a place to be known, loved, and feel at home. However, all of us are dealing with something that causes us to pull away from relationships, church, commitments, etc. When we do this, we might think, “Does anyone else notice when I’m not present?” Join us this Sunday as we discuss what it means for us, as disciples of Jesus, to learn how to have a heart for those who have wandered and how to bring them back into the fold.