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Welcome to the official FBCN app! Check out current events, sermons, and other ways to connect with the local church! When you attend First Baptist Church Newcastle (FBCN), we want you to experience the Risen Christ! Our desire is for you to worship the Lord, fellowship with others in the Body of Christ, be challenged from God's Word and leave CHANGED! We pray you feel welcomed and loved, and that you will see the unity in the fellowship of this great church. FBCN is a church that loves the Lord and His Word, and desires to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. At FBCN, we take the Great Commission very serious and desire to make disciples and not just converts. So, if you want to grow in Christ and reach others with the glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ...we invite you to come on and join the excitement at FBCN. For more information about FBC Newcastle Church, please visit: The FBCN app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.