
Ancient Paths

Jeremiah 6:16

September 1, 2019 • Elder Bill Wilson

In this message, we're looking at a passage where God challenges his people to go back to where they first began their relationship with Him.

We'll look at the life of Abraham to see how to respond to God's call, to re-center our lives on him as we begin this new school year.

We'll also look at how to respond to God's call by personally spending time with God, through His Word. Time with God in his Word is the fuel Christians need to grow, but for many the spiritual fuel gauge is on empty.

There are all sorts of reasons why people don’t read the Bible. The Bible can be intimidating, confusing, and overwhelming. Or maybe the intention and desire are there, but time keeps slipping away.

In this message, we'll learn about re-centering our lives on God's call and look at how to study God’s Word for yourself to be empowered to grow in your walk with God.