In this message we conclude our series, Culture Clash, with powerful yet inspiring words from Jude, the writer of the Epistle by the same name. His warnings are clear. His direction, certain. Our hope, assured!
Thanksgiving, Communion and Culture
November 24, 2019 • Pastor Dawn Coudriet
As believer's we are always called to receive from the Lord's table in remembrance of His finished work on the cross. The Thanksgiving holiday in the US reminds us to be thankful for all things but in a society increasingly 'unthankful' it's important to remember that a sign of His people is a spirit of thankfulness.
Know Your Lane
November 17, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
How do I bring my gift because essentially these are the three mission fields in society. What you are doing when you are considering a career, a job, a vocation or an area of interest, you are picking a mission field and the mission field you pick is dependent upon one very important word. It is the word, MOTIVE.
We are the Salt of the Earth!
November 10, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
Well? Are we? How are we to both be 'called out from them,' and still function in a world where a violent clash exists between the way it is and the clear command of scripture. He has made a http://way...and it's not the first time He made it possible to prosper and use His people in a 'clash.'
What's Your Story?
November 3, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
In Revelation Chapter 12 Jesus tells us that the enemy is defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Our life in Him starts with Jesus's shed blood but it continues with our testimony, our story. Has your life changed as you've grown in Christ? Can you describe it? Would it inspire others? We're going to look at the power of our testimony today with "What's Your Story?"
Beware of Ravenous Wolves
October 27, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
In the book of Acts, Jesus said; "http://...that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock." Who were those wolves and who are they today? We can look at what Jesus had to say to the churches of Ephesus and Pergamos, to find out.
Saving Those Sliding
October 20, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
Outside of the right environment and conditions any believer can fall susceptible to 'backsliding' away from the passion they once felt for Christ. And while salvation is assured for those truly in Christ, a life apart from His regular presence is a prescription for spiritual 'shipwreck.'
Part-Time Believer, Full-Time God
October 6, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
There's no cheap heaven, and there's no safety in a part-time relationship with God. The example and the direction that we receive from the Bible calls for a full-time engagement with Him after our heartfelt profession of faith. Anything short of that exposes us to being shipwrecked in our faith, at the least foundering, at the worst, dead upon the rocks of apostasy. Thanks be to God who has given us the victory in Christ Jesus.
Ambitious Faith
September 29, 2019 • Pastor Colby Sutter
How can serving a lunch change your life forever? This world is plagued with Christians who have inactive faith we need to learn how to stand out by having ambitious faith. Today we will examine the fact that what we do daily either adds or subtracts from our faith. We will also learn a secret principle in life that allows God to direct our steps so we can have ambitious faith.
Are YOU ready?
September 22, 2019 • Pastor Joe Coudriet
Make no mistake about it; our faith is in a clash with the culture all around us. BUT, this isn't new, or a surprise for those that know God and His Word. The question is; "Are you prepared for the assault that the devil has underway already against your faith?" A better question might be simply; "Are YOU ready?" Well, are you? You can be if you learn to be reliant upon the Lord and His Word. 'The weapons of our warfare aren't http://carnal...they are might in God.' So, quit trying to argue with the world around you and get your head out of the sand if need be. It's time to engage, get out of the pews and into the game.