
The Night School for Deeper Learning with Daniel the Prophet

Daniel the Prophet

September 22, 2020 • Rick Ganz

The Night School is an adventurous exercise of greater depth and reflectivity than is normal for most people. For each of these gatherings, we welcome a profound thinker, explorer, philosopher, painter, poet, theologian or mystic from the ancient or nearer past. For example, we may invite Aristotle (4th century BCE) to attend, and through some short and penetrating texts from his writings to give us his best thoughts on friendship. This monthly habit offered by the Faber Institute is meant to be enjoyable, startling at times (surprised by the wisdom we have available to us if we know how to read such authors), and to be an experience of deep thought skillfully invited and engagingly presented.

The Night School for Deeper Learning with Dionysius the Areopagite

November 17, 2020 • Rick Ganz

The Night School is an adventurous exercise of greater depth and reflectivity than is normal for most people. For each of these gatherings, we welcome a profound thinker, explorer, philosopher, painter, poet, theologian or mystic from the ancient or nearer past. For example, we may invite Aristotle (4th century BCE) to attend, and through some short and penetrating texts from his writings to give us his best thoughts on friendship. This monthly habit offered by the Faber Institute is meant to be enjoyable, startling at times (surprised by the wisdom we have available to us if we know how to read such authors), and to be an experience of deep thought skillfully invited and engagingly presented.

The Night School for Deeper Learning with Dante Alighieri

October 20, 2020 • Rick Ganz

The Night School is an adventurous exercise of greater depth and reflectivity than is normal for most people. For each of these gatherings, we welcome a profound thinker, explorer, philosopher, painter, poet, theologian or mystic from the ancient or nearer past. For example, we may invite Aristotle (4th century BCE) to attend, and through some short and penetrating texts from his writings to give us his best thoughts on friendship. This monthly habit offered by the Faber Institute is meant to be enjoyable, startling at times (surprised by the wisdom we have available to us if we know how to read such authors), and to be an experience of deep thought skillfully invited and engagingly presented.