
TFS 10: Narnia, Here and There Intro

Narnia: Here and There Intro Video

September 4, 2023 • Rick Ganz

Series 1 of The Faber Sessions in April-May 2020 was an exploration of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, written by him in the decade after World War II, the seven novels published, one per year, from 1950 to 1956. In that Spring of 2020, we read all seven novels - a novel per week - as the pandemic (impacting us in March 2020) had week by week locked us into our homes. We offered Series 1 to a select group, online. Now in this Series 10, we invite all of you to join us online (i.e, in your own homes and during the dinner hour: you are welcome to eat as you listen and engage) as we make our way into Narnia again: one novel a month from September 2023 to April 2023, with a pause taken for a special Session on Christmas Carols in December 2023. Each of these novels is like the experience we have of the best people we know, who are so approachable on first meeting them but whose depth and richness of insight becomes more and more as we know them better. The novels by Lewis are masterpieces - intensely wise and well-told tales.