

November 17, 2022 • Forrest Brown

As disciples of Christ, we submit all things to Him. This includes what we believe and how we engage in this world. The word of God says a lot about the value of human life and how we are to treat one another. Abortion is common in our nation and our culture is passionate about it. Between the clarity of the word of God and the emphasis of our culture, it is fitting that we take the time to thoroughly think through the implications of our submission to Jesus in regards to abortion. 


February 22, 2024 • Forrest Brown

What is God’s design for sex? Why is it good? Why is it only to be enjoyed within the context of marriage? Join us as we seek out God’s word for answers to these questions and others like them.

Confession and Forgiveness

October 26, 2023 • Forrest Brown

Sin violates relationships and the pursuit of restoration often includes confession and forgiveness. Join us as we unpack the what, why, who, and how of both confession and forgiveness.

Roles of Women & Men in the Church

August 13, 2023 • Forrest Brown & Tyler Shirley