
It Matters [Season 3.12] - Anti-Racism with Samuel Sey [Part 1]

Esther and Elizabeth

September 9, 2021

What is anti-racism? What is critical race theory? What is racism? And most importantly, how do believers understand these terminologies and issues in light of scripture?

Join Esther and Elizabeth as they welcome renowned blogger and speaker, Samuel Sey for an in depth discussion on the topics of race. Samuel eloquently equips Christ followers to compare our culture's understanding of racism with the biblical definition of injustice and favoritism. Listeners can expect to walk away from this episode with a renewed mind and a greater conviction for the sin of racism as well as a clearer picture on disconnects between God's word and modern day anti-racism. To find more content from Samuel Sey, you can check out his website at www.slowtowrite.com.