Law of Attraction
January 13, 2022 • Esther and Elizabth
Is manifesting bad? Is the Law of Attraction compatible with scripture? What is the link between word of faith and prosperity gospel? What kinds of things open up doors to the demonic? In this episode, Esther and Elizabeth interview the brilliant ex-New Ager, Melissa Dougherty to go through the deep details about how these pagan, demonic and dangerous practices are infiltrating the church. They discuss how the evil one deceives many by using popular teaching + even mainstream pastors to distort scripture to propagate New Age ideologies. Join us as we turn the lights on all things concerning the universe, new thought, new age, divine power + the demonic and why all of this matters. To find more from Esther and Elizabeth, you can see them on Instagram @itmatters_podcast
It Matters [Season 3.18] - Singleness Part 3
December 16, 2021
You asked, they listened! In this final installment of the Singleness Series, Esther and Elizabeth tackle questions submitted from their listeners about singleness, dating and marriage. Questions like: “How do you know if someone is the ‘right person?’” and “How do you experience contentment when you desire marriage?” Then they wrap up with a practical advice segment, giving you pro tips on living in unwanted singleness and how to most effectively pursue marriage if you desire it. There is a word in this episode for all believers: both married and single! To find more from Esther and Elizabeth, you can find them on Instagram @itmatters_podcast
It Matters [Season 3.17]: Singleness Part 2: Marriage Idolatry
December 2, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
If you haven't checked out Singleness Part 1, scroll back to our very first season to find it there! In this latest installment of the singleness series, our story picks up at Elizabeth's new life stage: marriage! Listen in to hear Esther and Elizabeth tackle a major counterfeit doctrine in church culture: Idolatry of Marriage. What does scripture say about the gift of singleness? What about unwanted singleness? Elizabeth also shares her story about journeying towards marriage in her thirties with all sorts of learning lessons for both listeners who are in seasons of unwanted singleness, and married listeners who want to play a bigger role in reforming singleness and marriage theology in the church. To hear more from Esther and Elizabeth, you can find them on Instagram @itmatters_podcast.
It Matters [Season 3.16]: The Reliability of Scripture
November 18, 2021
Can we trust the origins of the Bible? How can we know we have the whole, true Bible? Which translations are trustworthy, and are any of them “bad?” In this episode of It Matters, Esther and Elizabeth welcome pastor Austin Molt to help address some of our toughest questions about the reliability of the word of God. To find more from Esther and Elizabeth, you can find them on Instagram at @itmatters_podcast.
It Matters [Season 3.15]: What is Going On?
October 28, 2021
In this overwhelming life season, Esther and Elizabeth meet you for an episode that is all about discussing the question, "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Amidst all the chaos we are living in right now, how do we hear from God? How do we discern truth from the lies? Where is the good, and how do we spot it? Esther and Elizabeth not only share updates from culture and how to process them, but they also from events in their own lives. To find more from Esther and Elizabeth, head over to @itmatters_podcast on Instagram.
It Matters [Season 3.14] - Deconstruction, Christian Satire + “Woke Jesus.”
Get ready to deconstruct the deconstruction movement! On this episode we interviewed satirist, scholar and Bible teacher Gabriel Finochio of Theos University. We discuss the origin of deconstruction (with a bit of philosophy and history along the way!), the difference between healthy doubts and destructive doubts… And how everything always comes back to the LOGOS (if you don’t know what that means- tune in!) And since Gabriel is the mind and meme-creator behind the hit @WOKEJESUSCHRIST account on Instagram, we discuss satire and how far is too far when it comes to taking jabs at progressivism. Come look at all things deconstruction, as we consider how we as the body of Christ can best respond to this troubling trend.
It Matters [Season 3.13] - Critical Race Theory + Anti-Racism with Samuel Sey [Part 2]
September 30, 2021
In this catalytic second episode with renowned writer and speaker Samuel Sey, we go deeper into the nuances of CRT + Anti-Racism. Sey discusses broken family units, and the true cause of disparity between black people and white people in the USA. He shares more of his story and experience as a black man, and as the son of a single mother and immigrant in North America. In true form, all the hot-button issues in racial reconciliation are held under the lens of scripture and the gospel. This episode is FIRE and we can’t wait for you to be as floored as we were in our conversation with Samuel Sey!
It Matters [Season 3.12] - Anti-Racism with Samuel Sey [Part 1]
September 9, 2021
What is anti-racism? What is critical race theory? What is racism? And most importantly, how do believers understand these terminologies and issues in light of scripture? Join Esther and Elizabeth as they welcome renowned blogger and speaker, Samuel Sey for an in depth discussion on the topics of race. Samuel eloquently equips Christ followers to compare our culture's understanding of racism with the biblical definition of injustice and favoritism. Listeners can expect to walk away from this episode with a renewed mind and a greater conviction for the sin of racism as well as a clearer picture on disconnects between God's word and modern day anti-racism. To find more content from Samuel Sey, you can check out his website at
It Matters [Season 3.11] - Eschatology [Part 2]: The Millennial Kingdom + “Kingdom Now” Theology
August 19, 2021
We are BACK with prophetic scholar Amir Tsarfati in his BEST episode yet, to look at more of your questions about the End Times. This episode covers the two main schools of thought about the Millennial Kingdom: Pre-millennialist + Amillennial theology. We consider: •Will Jesus will have a literal reign on earth? What does the Bible actually say about it? •What happens to Christians during the tribulation? •What is “kingdom now” theology and how is it different from manifestations of the Holy Spirit on earth now? •Where is deception occurring and what role of influence does our beloved charismatic church play? •Why is there confusion around the sequence of events? •How can we *know* what is true, based on scripture. What should we look for next? There is a lot to be said and while we can’t be exhaustive we hope to at least keep you tethered to both New and Old Testament, and the clear words of Jesus to help clarify. Finally Esther offers some of the key arguments in scripture and logic that have informed our conclusions. And of course, why eschatological theology MATTERS!
It Matters [Season 3.10] - Eschatology [Part 1]: ISRAEL + Will there be a rapture?
August 5, 2021
In troubling times, people want to know what will happen next! So we enlisted Amir Tsarfati (a Messianic Jewish scholar from Israel) and expert who has spent decades studying Biblical prophesies and texts about the END TIMES. We caught up with Amir mid-global tour to ask WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY regarding these controversial and critical questions: What is the role of Israel in the End Times? Does God’s covenant with the Israeli people and the land still matter today? Are we in the End Times? How do we know? What will happen next? Will there be a rapture? Why or why not? Is the rapture a modern concept? Do only Western Evangelicals believe in the rapture? In this Part 1, we’ll also discuss the Antichrist, the chronology of events, significant Biblical prophesies, AND the reasons why Tsarfati thinks Jesus will be returning sooner than you think!
It Matters [Season 3.9] - Christian “Celebrities” and Partiality
July 22, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
Did you know the Bible talks about influencers specifically? And about networking? In this episode, we are looking at secret sins. The covert ones that sneak up on you, or have had a cozy existence in your life without you even realizing it! If you’ve ever felt uninvited, unincluded, or just all around nauseated by the “who’s who” mentality in Christian community- this one is for you! Growing up in Christ means putting away the baby’s milk and going for real MEAT. That means taking a hard look at the stuff we give a pass. Like favoritism. hype. cliques. Christian heroes/mentors/“idols” and celebrities and influencers. Oh, and everyone’s favorite empowerment move: boundaries. That’s in there too! For more content with Esther and Elizabeth, find them on instagram @itmatters_podcast
It Matters [Season 3.8] - Progressive Christianity [Part 2]
July 8, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
In this episode of Esther and Elizabeth's two-part series on Progressive Christianity, Elizabeth shares a detailed account of her journey as a former progressive Christian. What is the mindset of someone who is being swayed towards this belief system? Why is this movement so enticing yet so dangerous? Tune in to hear answers to these questions and explore solutions to common doubts that so many believers share as they process their faith in Christ. There will also be a follow up Q&A for this series on Instagram, so be sure to check out their feed at @itmatters_podcast.
Leaders Who Survive with Tod Bolsinger [Everyday Exiles Podcast No.72]
June 24, 2021 • Everyday Exiles Podcast
Tod Bolsinger, Senior Congregational Strategist and Associate Professor of Leadership Formation at Fuller Theological Seminary, joins the show to discuss his two books, Canoeing the Mountains and Tempered Resilience. Plus, @todbol explains how leaders can navigate the post-pandemic landscape and prepare their congregations for the change necessary for this next season.
It Matters [Season 3.7] - Progressive "Christianity" with Alisa Childers [Part 1]
June 24, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
There is a fake gospel that is invading the Christian church and its name is Progressive Christianity. What is Progressive "Christianity," and why is it incompatible with scripture? Join Elizabeth and Esther as they welcome special guest, author and subject matter expert, Alisa Childers and take a deep dive into this alluring and deceptive movement; which is leading the hearts and minds of believers away from the real Jesus Christ and into a worldview of false promises and celebration of sin. As always, you can talk through this episode (or anything else) with Esther and Elizabeth on Instagram at @itmatters_podcast.
It Matters [Season 3.6] - The Gifts of the Spirit [Part 2]
June 10, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
We love to get practical AND we love going after the tough objections! In this episode we do both: First Elizabeth tackles the main objections about spiritual gifts: including the cessation argument (did the prophetic/miraculous gifts cease- why or why not?) and the consideration of whether the gift of apostleship still exists. Then Esther breaks down HOW DO YOU KNOW your spiritual gifts? This episode is filled with relevant doubts and questions that come up most often today, as well as specific ways YOU can find out your gifting and walk empowered in those functions as a part of the Body of Christ.
It Matters [Season 3.5] - The Gifts of the Spirit [Part 1]
May 27, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
FULLY Delineated. Defined. Described in action. Let’s face it, most Christians today know more about the Enneagram + personality tests than they do about their spiritual profile as a believer! But Paul said “I don’t want you to be ignorant about spiritual gifts…” WELL GOOD. Here is your chance to learn what they are, and why they matter in FULL DETAIL. We cover every scripture passage that discusses them, and give a thumb sketch of each gift individually. This season we want to go deep into the Holy Spirit, and what it means to live in His power, in the various gifts He designed! (And look out for the follow up Part 2 which will address some key objections many have about gifts of the Spirit, and some wonky doctrines.) The goal here is to help you figure out what gifts God destined for YOU. No self-help here- just Life as JESUS intends it!
It Matters [Season 3.4] - Prophecy Part 2: Discerning FALSE PROPHETS + Biblically Practicing Prophec
May 13, 2021 • It Matters with Esther and Elizabeth
It can be complicated and messy within the church. In this episode Esther and Elizabeth round out this series with a deeper look at the counterfeit aspects of prophecy: discerning FALSE PROPHETS, false prophecies, what to do with prophetic words, etc. They also talk about prophecy practically applied, how to exercise prophesy when it’s your gift, and how empowering and beautiful it is to witness it in community. They tackle the awkward things, the tough questions and wrestling through understanding this incredible gift of the Holy Spirit!
It Matters [Season 3.3] - The Gift of Prophecy, Part 1
April 29, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
What does the Bible say about the prophetic? Why are so many Biblical passages about prophecy ignored by most churches? What does a modern day prophet or the gift of prophecy look like? What did Paul mean when He said “women can’t speak in church?” What is real prophecy supposed to be, and how can you discern false prophets from real ones? Veer beyond denominations, popular Christian culture, or what you (maybe) have been taught- and come find out for yourself what the Bible has to say about the prophetic. In this foundational episode, Esther takes us through a deep study of the primary scriptures of the OT and NT that address all things prophecy. We promise the Bible has a LOT of surprising things to say about the prophetic - past and present!🔥
It Matters [Season 3.2] - Life in the Holy Spirit
April 15, 2021 • Esther and Elizabeth
We know who He what does a life fully surrendered look like? Esther and Elizabeth share about their personal end-of-the-rope moments, and how the Spirit responded. But this is more than testimony and reflection - if you listen, God will speak to your heart about the move, the challenge, the opportunity He has for YOU to step out in faith with Him. Once you know what it is like to live moment-by-moment in the freedom and joy and ADVENTURE of the Holy Spirit- everything else will be stale, safe, and stagnant and you will NEVER want to go back. He’s really real, and really ready to talk to you.