
Encounters With Jesus #24

The Criminal

September 22, 2024 • Jason Carson • Luke 23:32–43


Read Luke 23:32-42. What stands out in this passage? What is God’s heart wanting to communicate to us through this Scripture?

What differences do you see between the 2 criminals on the cross? What kinds of attitudes did they display and where were their hearts at? (verses 39-42)

In this Bible passage, while Jesus is being crucified, we see a crowd standing around watching, the religious and political leaders scoffing, and the soldiers mocking. And after this we see one of the criminals join in with judging and mocking. Like that criminal, do you think that Christians do this kind of thing still today? Why or why not?

In what areas of your life are you currently displaying a “skeptical mockery,” or find yourself being a “reactive fool?”

Why is it so hard for us to admit, confess, own, and repent of our sin?

Talk about how Jesus acted towards both of the criminals on the cross? What did Jesus’ words and heart display?

Close in prayer by having everyone go around in a circle thanking and praising Jesus for what He’s done for us on the cross.