
Encounters With Jesus #26

The Delayed

October 6, 2024 • Billy Archie • Luke 8:40–56, Luke 8:48–49, Isaiah 55:8–9

Together Group Questions


What is one of the best trips you have ever been on?


What stands out to you about Jesus in this narrative and how does that challenge or affirm your beliefs about Him?


Have you ever felt God was delaying something? How did you respond? What kinds of things helped you? What kind of things hindered you?


This isn’t the only time someone has felt God delaying in their life. In both the narrative of Jesus raising Lazarus (John 11:1-44) and the Life of King David (1 Sam 16:1-13 & 2 Sam 5:1-4: approx 15 yrs) there were delays. Read these passages and discuss; What insights can we draw from these other examples of God’s delay and how do these apply to our lives?


Luke 8:40-56 ends a section of Scripture (Luke 8:22-56) which highlights Jesus’ power over nature, demons, sickness, and death. What is the value of seeing Jesus’ power over both the physical and the spiritual world? How does this demonstration of his all-encompassing power strengthen our trust in him?


Close in Prayer by going around your group and answering the question: What are some areas in your life where you feel God is delaying and how can we pray for you in those areas for our good and His glory?