
ALL IN #50 Ephesians 6:17a

The Helmet of Salvation

May 2, 2021 • Jason Carson

Read Ephesians 6:13-17. What is God’s Word saying to you in this verse? What is God’s heart for His people?

Discuss the helmet of salvation. Why is this such a critical piece in the armor of God? What does it do for you? What does it protect you from?

What are some of the lies over your life that have an uninvited place in your mind? (For example: you don’t matter, no one cares, you’ll never change, you’re inadequate, you have to prove yourself, your past defines you, you’re no good or unlovable…)

What is a Biblical worldview? And how can you strengthen yours? (Hint: It’s more than just reading the Bible)

Read 1 John 3:1-2. If you understand who and whose you are, how should that change your life, decisions, and outlook on life?

What are some practical ways you can cultivate and nurture a Godly mindset in life?

Pick someone in your group to close in prayer. They should pray for everyone to put on the helmet of salvation, to remember who/ whose we are, and to all have Godly mindsets this week!