

Matthew 13:1-23

February 17, 2019 • Jason Carson

Read Matthew 13:1-23. What is God’s Word saying to you in this passage? What is God’s heart for His people?

1. Why do you think Jesus spoke in parables?

2. The parable of the sower describes 4 different types of ground/ soils, that the seed (God’s Word of the Kingdom) can fall in our lives. If you were to look at your spiritual life this last week or month, what kind of ground would you say your heart has been?

3. What steps can a believer take to make their heart the “good soil?”
In the sermon, it was said that being dynamic involves stretching like a rubber band. How is God stretching you these days?

4. The Christian life is a life of faith, joy, and thanksgiving. Out of those 3 things, what comes most naturally for you, and what is the most difficult?
From the list on the lesson of “7 Traits of a Dynamic Christian,” what 2 traits are you asking God to make you more dynamic?

**All inclusive: Have everyone in your group share one moment they can recall of Jesus being dynamic, AND… also share one way we all can be more dynamic in our faith this week.