

May 5, 2019 • Jason Carson


Read Matthew 18:10-14. What is God’s Word saying to you in this passage? What is God’s heart for His people?

In the parable, the one sheep goes astray. What are some reasons you see today that cause believers to go astray?

Describe a time or season in your life where you felt you went astray for a while. Looking back, can you see how God pursued you and brought you back?

Read Psalm 23. What makes the Lord the Good Shepherd? How do you see Him leading, guiding, protecting, loving, and caring for you as a sheep?

If Jesus is “relentless” in His pursuit of us when we go astray, the Way of Jesus would say that we should care about others going astray as well. Who is one person in your life that you would love to see come back to Jesus? And what are a few things you could do to reach out to them?

In addition to the last question, how could you point them toward Jesus? How can you forgive them if they’ve hurt or offended you? How can you pursue them without giving up?
How will this discussion change the way you love (difficult) people?