
Walls Come Down

Joshua ch. 6

November 5, 2017 • Pastor Jack Schull

Jericho falls through God's intervention. The impossible happened. It reminds us of what Jesus said "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Impossibility just isn’t in God’s vocabulary. One of the deepest theological messages of Joshua ch. 6 is that God is teaching us to trust Him instead of trusting our own cleverness. God is still in the business of breaking down walls today. You never know what God will set in motion with one small step of obedience.

More from Joshua

Choose This Day

November 19, 2017 • Pastor Jack Schull

As we wrap up our series in the Old Testament book of Joshua, we're going to see in the last chapters, Joshua's last challenge. He's going to challenge them (and us) that our spiritual fervor and commitment is ultimately our choice to make. We decide – one way or another. In the plethora of 'things' seeking our allegiance and devotion - God is asking us to choose Him. He chose us and now he asks us to choose him. Jesus desires and deserves absolute love, not optional love. We must choose – this day and the next day, and the next day...(repeat)

Getting Relationally Right

November 12, 2017 • Pastor Jack Schull

Tonight's story is one of failure. We all have 'em. It's ultimately about our biggest challenge and one we couldn't overcome on our own. It introduces us to a rhythm we need in our lives as we face our own sins, failures and mistakes. We don't minimize sin, but we do MAXIMIZE JESUS. It's only there that we are fueled by gratitude and can move forward, and not be haunted by guilt and held back. Repentance moves us to worship our great and graceful God. A regular rhythm of repentance keeps us relational right with God.

Memory Markers

October 29, 2017 • Pastor Jack Schull

The Scriptures call us over and over to a practice of remembering, as it comes to remembering God's activity in our lives and his faithfulness. As Joshua does here (ch. 3 & 4) - we're invited to make some 'memory markers' in our lives. Remembering builds our trust & relationship with GOD – the ONE who has helped us in the past and helps us now and will continue to help us securely into the future. REMEMBERING MATTERS – it refuels our soul, reinvigorates our minds, refreshes our hearts & reinforces our love for Jesus!