
Practice of Prayer

June 11, 2023 • Pastor Jack Schull • Matthew 6:5–8, Philippians 4:5–7

The heart behind prayer (even if you’re not a christian) is that you’re seeking help, influence, guidance, divine activity with someone/something greater. For Christians, we seek those things yes — but the deeper heart of prayer is truly about connection with our Creator (prayer is relational in nature Jesus showed). So, Be Still and KNOW.

Summer Worship Night

August 6, 2023

The right perspective of worship sees the Church as entering into the eternal worship that is already taking place. We do not initiate it - we join it. As we wrap up our summer together, we sing our hallelujah with the saints of old and alongside our brothers and sisters from every nation, tribe and tongue.

Practice of Fasting & Feasting

July 30, 2023 • Pastor Jack Schull • Mark 6:16–18

The spiritual practices of fasting and feasting are always trying to guide us in a Godward direction - to help us experience him, commune with him and connect with His grace more profoundly. Fasting is exercising the beauty of restraint in order to crave for our Heavenly Father more. Feasting is learning to savor the goodness of God, His gifts, the relationships He’s blessed us with - to grow our gratitude for all He’s done and is actively still doing.

Practice of Serving

July 23, 2023 • Pastor Jack Schull • John 13:1–17, Mark 10:41–45

In a world so often focused on self-promotion and ‘seeking to be served’, we’re invited to a counter cultural norm. We’re to follow the Savior who took up a towel, went to a cross, emptied himself and allowed the Father to Lift Him Up after he ‘came not to be served, but to serve.’ The practice of serving is the way of our Savior and is non-negotiable for any of His followers.