
Changed Purpose

A God-changed life is a God-gifted life, and gifts are meant to be shared.

May 6, 2018 • Pastor Jack Schull

When you're given a gift, you open it, utilize it, share it. You don't hide it away. Biblical teaching is clear: WE ALL (men & women) as folks who put their faith in Jesus, have been given spiritual gifts to use! Everyone has a "spiritual gift" - an ability that equips us to serve God & His Church in a special way. Followers of Jesus are to live with a larger purpose, they’re ACTIVELY using their gifts, serving wholeheartedly, giving sacrificially to God’s will, seeking to multiply God's impact & reach – bringing the HOPE and LIGHT of Jesus wherever they go! A God-changed life is a God-gifted life, and gifts are meant to be shared.

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