Protecting Your Church From Censorship

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Ensure your giving solution helps fuel your mission

The fact of the matter is that the more convenient it is to give to your church, the more likely your community is to partner financially with your mission. But giving isn’t just about finances—it’s also a matter of discipleship.

Generosity among your community doesn’t happen by accident; it’s the direct result of real lives being impacted by the gospel. The tools your church uses to collect donations should support you and your community every step of the way! However, not all online giving solutions are created equal. 

Popular fundraising platforms aren’t built to serve the specific needs of local churches—and it shows. GoFundMe, for example, reserves the right to “modify, suspend, or discontinue,” your church’s giving campaigns, “temporarily or permanently, at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.” Recent headlines abound with examples of how GoFundMe and other platforms have blocked grassroots fundraising efforts due to political or ideological differences. If your church is reliant on services like these, your mission may also be at risk. 

The best giving solutions for churches don’t enforce arbitrary or subjective standards upon your fundraising campaigns. These solutions should also make it simple for your donors to cover all fees, so that 100% of donations go straight to your ministry.