
Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 4 | Christ

Grace & Truth

May 14, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • 1 Corinthians 13:9–13, Matthew 25:38–41

In the fourth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses how to nurture our spiritual development individually and within the community of believers. As Christians, our ultimate goal is to become more like Jesus Christ, reflecting His character and virtues in our everyday lives.

Romans Chapter 8 focuses on God's plan for believers to become more like Christ. This transformation is not only for personal growth but also to reflect Christ's virtues in our relationships with others. God wants all of us to embody His attributes and carry His glory, which was His original intention in creation but was disrupted by sin. However, Christ can reconcile and restore us to our intended purpose.

Duane also talks about the process of spiritual maturation using the metaphor of newborn babies who must desire the pure milk of the Word to grow (1 Peter 2:2). This growth involves more than just increasing in knowledge; it's about transforming our mindsets and behaviors to align more closely with God's will. The 'renewing of the mind' is portrayed as essential for this transformation, enabling believers to discern and live out the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Often, Christians are distracted by debates around predestination and salvation, focusing too narrowly on whether actions lead to heaven or hell rather than embracing the broader, more impactful purpose of reflecting God's love and righteousness. We need to see beyond these debates and focus on living out our faith through acts of love and service, nurturing our spiritual growth.

The focus should be on the practical aspects of spiritual growth, such as the importance of community and how we treat each other. In Matthew 25 and Acts 9, Jesus takes a personal interest in how we treat other members of the body of Christ. Acts of kindness and love towards fellow believers are seen by Christ as done unto Him, emphasizing the profound connection between personal spirituality and communal responsibility.

Believers should continually assess and elevate their understanding of God's Word and His purposes. Spiritual maturity involves an ongoing process of learning, applying, and manifesting the principles of God's Kingdom in every life area, leading to holistic and fulfilling Christian living.

This teaching calls for a deep and reflective Christianity that seeks personal salvation and a desire to positively impact the world by genuinely expressing Christ's love and truth. Nurturing spiritual growth is a personal endeavor and a communal responsibility that enriches the individual believer and the broader Christian community.