
Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 3 | Image-Bearers

Grace & Truth

May 13, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Romans 8:28–39, Matthew 25, Isaiah 5:13–30, 1 Corinthians 13

In the third episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane discusses spiritual growth from a Christian perspective. He emphasizes that spiritual growth is more about internal transformation than external conformity. Duane also discusses the importance of believers being image-bearers of Christ and explores the concepts of predestination and God's will in Christians' lives.

Christians often have questions about God's will for their lives, such as career choices or personal decisions. While these decisions are essential, they are secondary compared to God's primary will, which is for believers to be transformed into the image of Christ. This transformation involves how believers reflect Christ's image in every aspect of their lives.

The concept of predestination is often misunderstood. Predestination in the biblical context refers not to a predetermined fate of salvation or condemnation but to God's plan for believers to conform to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. This idea is foundational to understanding spiritual growth because it aligns with God's purpose for every believer—becoming like Christ in character and action.

Sin can hinder transformation, which distorts God's image in people. Jesus restores our image and relationship with God, allowing us to reflect God's glory. Romans 8:28-29 explains that God's foreknowledge and predestination involve shaping believers to mirror Christ's image, which is the ultimate goal of Christian growth.

The process of transformation involves the renewal of the mind, as stated in Romans 12:2. Believers should change their thinking, aligning it with God's truths to demonstrate the reality of God's kingdom on Earth. This mental renewal is crucial because it affects how believers understand and live out their faith in practical terms.

Duane cautions against the dangers of conforming to the world's values, often contrary to God's principles. He stresses that societal pressures to adapt to secular standards can lead believers away from the truth of Scripture and hinder their spiritual growth. Instead, he encourages believers to stand firm in their faith and pursue a life that reflects Christ's love and righteousness.

Believers are encouraged to rise above cultural and personal challenges by focusing on the transformative power of Christ's love and renewing their minds. By doing so, they will grow in faith and become effective ambassadors of Christ's kingdom on Earth. This process involves learning about God and living in a way that genuinely reflects His love and truth to the world.