
Two Kinds of Fear | Episode 1 | Understanding

Grace & Truth

April 22, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • James 3:13–18, 1 John 4:18, Psalm 34:7–10, Isaiah 11:2–5

Do not be afraid is mentioned 365 times in the Bible. Duane distinguishes between two types of fear: a negative, demonic fear that enslaves and paralyzes faith and a positive, wholesome fear known as the fear of the Lord. The Bible is filled with verses that instruct us not to fear since fear is used by Satan to manipulate and control us. Conversely, the fear of the Lord, which Jesus himself operated under, is portrayed as a deep respect and honor for God's word and character, leading to wisdom and discernment. This type of fear is contrasted with the lack of fear of God in our culture, which leads to immoral actions without guilt.