
No Condemnation | Episode 9 | The Law

Grace & Truth

November 1, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Romans 7:7–8, Romans 3:19–31, 2 Corinthians 3:7–10

In the ninth and final episode of "No Condemnation," Duane Sheriff concludes his series by addressing the fourth source of condemnation: the law. Many Christians unknowingly subject themselves to guilt and condemnation by trying to serve God under Old Testament law rather than New Testament grace. 

In 2 Corinthians 3:7-9, Paul compares the old and new covenants. The Old Testament law, while glorious, was a "ministry of death" and "ministry of condemnation." In contrast, the New Testament is a "ministry of the Spirit" and "ministry of righteousness," far exceeding the old in glory.

The purpose of the law was not to make people righteous or reveal God's nature. Instead, as Romans 3:19-20 states, the law was given to make everyone guilty before God and bring knowledge of sin. Once a person accepts Christ, they no longer live under the law. Romans 6:14 says, "Sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace."