
Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 10 | Discernment

Grace & Truth

May 22, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Romans 8, Hebrews 5:11–14, Isaiah 14:12–15

In the tenth episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane highlights the importance of discernment in spiritual maturity. He explains that spiritual growth is more than attending church or gaining knowledge; it also involves the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil—which are the hallmarks of a mature believer.

Discernment is an essential element of spiritual development that is frequently disregarded. Many tend to focus on the basics of faith or the mechanics of church life. However, discernment requires a deeper level of wisdom that allows believers to navigate life's complexities effectively. It's a crucial skill because, like young children, immature believers often struggle to make sound judgments, especially in situations that require a nuanced understanding of spirituality and morality.

Duane uses examples from daily life to illustrate the need for discernment. Just as parents make decisions for their young children, spiritual leaders, and mature Christians must guide less mature believers and help them understand spiritual truths while steering them away from potential pitfalls.

In Hebrews 5, the writer laments the readers' regression to needing "milk" instead of "solid food." This regression is symptomatic of a lack of discernment, where even basic principles of Christianity need constant reiteration because the deeper truths are too challenging for the immature.

Discernment is a crucial indicator of spiritual maturity. It requires more than just knowing right from wrong; it involves actively applying that knowledge in real-world situations. Believers must strive for maturity, which involves a robust understanding of God's word, a deep sense of discernment, and the ability to apply biblical principles in everyday life. This growth strengthens the individual and fortifies the broader Christian community by promoting collective maturity and understanding.