
Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 6 | Carnal

Grace & Truth

May 16, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • 1 Corinthians 3:1–10, John 4:31–36

In the sixth episode, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane emphasizes the importance of personal growth and helping others. Spiritual maturity is not just about an individual's growth but also involves creating an environment where everyone can mature, particularly within the church community.

Many believers who think they have achieved maturity still show signs of immaturity, such as judging or looking down on less mature individuals. True maturity involves recognizing these immature tendencies and actively working to overcome them.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul draws a distinction between spiritual and carnal believers. Paul characterizes carnal believers as those who are still like "babes in Christ," lacking the ability to grasp more profound spiritual teachings. On the other hand, mature Christians can adapt their messages based on the spiritual readiness of their audience, which helps to prevent unnecessary conflict and division.

One key sign of immaturity is the tendency to create divisions within the church based on personal preferences or loyalties to different leaders. Such behavior is carnal and not indicative of a mature believer. We should examine our behaviors and attitudes, especially those that might contribute to envy, strife, and division, as these are signs of immaturity. Mature believers should focus on unity and the collective growth of the community rather than promoting division.

The truth may inherently offend, but it should not be a weapon to harm others. Instead, mature believers should aim to communicate by speaking truthfully and with love, which promotes understanding and growth, even when the topics are challenging.

Duane takes a compassionate and nurturing approach to spiritual growth, personally and within the church. He calls on all believers to mature in their faith and assist others in their spiritual journey, emphasizing that this is key to building a strong, unified, loving community that reflects Christ's teachings.