
Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 9 | Transformation

Grace & Truth

May 21, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Hebrews 5:11–14

In episode nine of his series, "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane focuses on the journey that Christians undertake from spiritual infancy to maturity. This journey is transformative and involves much more than gaining knowledge or performing religious duties. Christians are called to become true image bearers of Christ, reflecting His love and grace in every aspect of life.

The shift from being a "convert" to becoming a "disciple" is marked by a deepening relationship with God and a commitment to live out Christian values. This involves growing from immaturity to maturity. Entering the Kingdom of God is only the beginning; the real challenge and goal is to grow within the kingdom. This means embracing and embodying the attributes of Christ.

The discussion revolves around the concepts of spiritual "milk" and "meat." These terms differentiate between elementary and more complex doctrines of Christianity. Milk represents basic teachings necessary for new believers to understand their faith, while meat involves deeper, more challenging teachings that require a mature understanding and a strong faith foundation. Sheriff stresses that maturity in the Christian life means moving beyond the basics and grappling with more profound truths, which enable believers to handle life's complexities with wisdom and grace.

Duane emphasizes the necessity of love in the growth process. Spiritual maturity isn't just about what believers know but how they apply that knowledge in their relationships and daily lives. True maturity manifests through love — a love that echoes Christ's unconditional love for us. This kind of love involves forgiveness, patience, kindness, and a host of other qualities that Jesus exemplified during His time on earth.

The role of believers as image bearers of Christ emphasizes that to truly reflect Christ, believers must exhibit His character in their actions, decisions, and treatment of others. Being an image bearer means more than outward religious observance; it involves inner transformation that shines outwardly, positively impacting others.

Believers can become "dull of hearing," losing their eagerness to learn and grow, which leads to regression rather than progression in their spiritual lives. Nurturing spiritual growth is a call to Christians to a higher living standard that truly reflects Christ's love and grace. It's a call to grow in knowledge and become profound embodiments of that knowledge through love. This transformation turns believers into genuine image-bearers of Christ who can stand strong and shine brightly in a world that desperately needs the light of the gospel.