
Nurturing Spiritual Growth | Episode 11 | Milk

Grace & Truth

May 23, 2024 • Duane Sheriff • Isaiah 5:20–25, Hebrews 5:11–14

In the eleventh episode of "Nurturing Spiritual Growth," Duane explores the importance of moving from spiritual immaturity to maturity. He emphasizes the critical role of discernment in articulating how discernment is not only about recognizing what is from God and what isn't but also about understanding deeper spiritual truths and applying them to daily life.

Spiritual maturity is characterized by a believer's capacity to move beyond the basic principles of their faith ("milk") and grasp deeper, more complex concepts ("meat"). Milk refers to the basic teachings of Christianity, which are necessary for new believers to build a foundation in their faith. Meanwhile, meat refers to more profound and substantial teachings that challenge and grow a Christian's faith, enabling them to handle complex spiritual and moral issues effectively.

A significant aspect of maturity is the ability to discern good from evil. Many believers struggle because they remain at a basic level of spiritual understanding, only consuming milk. Consuming meat requires mature senses trained through experience and deep engagement with the Word of God. This maturity allows believers to navigate and interpret life's challenges in alignment with God's wisdom.

The inability to discern can lead to regression instead of progression in spiritual life. The writer of Hebrews criticizes his audience for their need to relearn basic principles instead of advancing their understanding. This scenario mirrors the broader condition in many churches today, with a prevalent lack of deep scriptural understanding and application.

Duane delves into the implications of lacking discernment, discussing how it affects societal and cultural perceptions and actions. He explains how a superficial understanding of good and evil can lead people to label evil as good and vice versa, influenced by cultural norms and pressures rather than scriptural truth.

This episode calls for a deeper commitment and engagement with Christ's teachings. Going beyond the elementary teachings and embracing the solid food of the Gospel equips believers to discern wisely and live righteously. By developing a mature, discerning faith, believers can navigate their spiritual journeys more effectively and positively impact the world around them, reflecting Christ's true character.