
22nd May 2024


May 22, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Silas was a leader in the Jerusalem church

He was a representative to the church in carrying the “acceptance letter” prepared by the Jerusalem council to the Gentile believers in Antioch

He was closely associated with Paul from the second missionary journey

Sang songs of praise to God while in jail with Paul in Philippi


Silas worked alongside Paul and our recollection of him should be of him being locked in stocks in the jail in Phillipians. They were bound in stocks in the muck and mire of the jail and at midnight instead of complaining about their plight, both Silas and Paul began singing and worshipping the Lord. Their praises rang out throughout the jail and all the prisoners could hear them. The praise was so anointed it shook the foundations of the prison and the chains came off (literally) each prisoner and the gates were opened. Imagine that, just their anointed praise and worship was powerful enough to open prison doors and set the captives free.


Silas was a man sent to accompany Paul on his missionary trip. He was sold out to the gospel and the message of Jesus. He was willing to pay the price for sharing the gospel. I am not sure if he anticipated the actual events that would take place and the price he would pay but in the midst of the storm Silas proved faithful and stood with Paul. He had a jail break experience, like no other history has ever known. The power of praise in a dire situation.


I pray that you too will have an experience with God that will establish your faith. Stand strong, keep fighting the good fight of faith and surely the presence of God in your life will lift you up and take you out of situations that seem impossible.



Holy Spirit strengthen me with might on the inner man that I will not be afraid no matter what I face. I know you are able to deliver me and you will never give me more than I can handle in this life. I see the victory in every situation in Jesus name.

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