
29th May 2024


May 29, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

As a medical doctor, Luke knew the importance of being thorough. He used his skills in observation and analysis to thoroughly investigate the stories about Jesus. Luke 1v3-4


Luke was called of God to be a scribe (writer) for the apostle Paul. Paul received the revelation from God and Luke wrote down everything Paul would speak to him about. God chose Luke as he was a man given to be thorough and researched the stuff he heard. He was a man who studied with Paul and was familiar with Paul. In writing for Paul, God touched this man’s heart in a way that caused his life to turn around. He was not one of the disciples, yet in his research of the master, he found every word to be true, so he became one of the writers of the Gospels, the gospel according to Luke. He had studied to be a doctor, God turned him into a healer of hearts through the word of God. He wrote the accounts of Jesus and the disciples through the eyes of a physician. He spoke about the healings of Jesus because his calling as a physician saw things that no one else would see. Read the gospel of Luke and you will see who Jesus was as our great Healer.


You may have studied to be a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher or whatever you felt you were called to do, but God has called you to be a son and daughter of the most high. You can still be in the job you are doing right now or in the business you are running right now but listen for his voice to tell you, what it is you are really called to do. A friend or counsellor to those you come in contact with everyday? He has placed in you a love that can reach out to those who need love and care for those in need of care. I am not sure what he will ask you to do, but I know this, that you will be refreshed and satisfied once you hear his voice and do what he has called you to do. When he tells you to speak, speak to that person he has placed in your life at that moment and you will be fulfilling his call on your life. I know you can do whatever it is he has called you to do.



 Holy Spirit help me to speak to the people you send into my life to speak to. Help me to hear as you hear so that I can answer accurately and be a blessing to those in need. Give me your wisdom so I can answer a matter wisely. You are the God of all comfort so help me to comfort others through your comfort.

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