
23rd May 2024


May 23, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

Painful lessons are usually doorways to new opportunities. Even the apostle Paul had much to learn. Shortly after his disappointing experience with John Mark, Paul recruited another eager young man, Timothy, to be his assistant. Paul’s intense personality may have been too much for John Mark to handle. It could easily have created the same problem for Timothy. But Paul seems to have learned a lesson in patience from his old friend Barnabas. As a result, Timothy became a “son” to Paul


Beyond the tensions created by his mixed racial background, Timothy seemed to struggle with a naturally timid character and a sensitivity to his youthfulness. Unfortunately, many who share Timothy’s character traits are quickly written off as too great a risk to deserve much responsibility. By God’s grace, Paul saw great potential in Timothy. Paul demonstrated his confidence in Timothy by entrusting him with important responsibilities. Paul sent Timothy as his personal representative to Corinth during a particularly tense time (1 Corinthians 4:14-17). Although Timothy was apparently ineffective in that difficult mission, Paul did not give up on him. Timothy continued to travel with Paul.


I pray that as you study the above paragraphs you are being encouraged and beginning to understand that it does not matter to God where you start out in life. The Holy Spirit was sent to help each of us to fulfil the call on our lives by developing our potential and making us into the people that God has called us to be. The secret is in our fellowship with the Father, As we spend time in prayer and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, the greatness in us will become visible and we will do what we are called to do. I encourage you, look to Jesus, He is the author and finisher of our Faith.



Holy Spirit teach me daily, I yield to you. I may not be where I am supposed to be but I will not remain unfruitful. In the presence of the Lord is fulness of joy and pleasures for ever more. Like Timothy, my character is being developed and matured day by day.

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