
18th May 2024


May 18, 2024 • Dr Zubeda Sing, Pastor Zubeda Sing

It is sad to be remembered for what one might have been. Samson had tremendous potential. Not many people have started life with credentials like his. Born as a result of God’s plan in the lives of Manoah and his wife, Samson was to do a great work for God—to “begin to rescue Israel from the Philistines.” To help him accomplish God’s plan, he was given enormous physical strength.

Because Samson wasted his strength on practical jokes and getting out of scrapes, and because he eventually gave it up altogether to satisfy the woman he loved, we tend to see him as a failure. We remember him as the judge in Israel who spent his last days grinding grain in an enemy prison, and we say, “What wasted potential!”

Yes, Samson wasted his life. He could have strengthened his nation. He could have returned his people to the worship of God. He could have wiped out the Philistines. But even though he did none of those things, Samson still accomplished the purpose announced by the angel who visited his parents before his birth. In his final act, Samson began to rescue Israel from the Philistines.


In as much as Samson seemed to have wasted his life when God equipped him with so much potential to fulfil the call of God on his life. We have to understand Samson did not have the indwelling holy Spirit. He lived in a time where the holy spirit was not given to live on the inside of man and empower him. The empowerment was in his hair and the fact that he was a Nazarite from birth. He had no control over his passions and desires. He did what he wanted to, when he wanted to. This then led to his demise.


Unlike Samson we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts. He is our helper and standby in our everyday life. He fans the flame of our potential and also equips us daily to do the will of God in our lives. We are equipped and empowered for Victory. Look at Samson’s life and take a lesson out of it. We can never be successful or victorious if we, like Samson are controlled by our passions and feelings. Yield to the Holy Spirit, and he will propel your life. forward and upward.



 Holy Spirit help me in my everyday life. I do not want to waste my life. Help me Holy Spirit to take advantage of every opportunity presented to me by God. Help me fulfil the call you have on my life so that I am successful in all that I do, to glorify your name.

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